Use "the great war|the great war" in a sentence

1. The Great War, later known as World War I, was enveloping Europe.

2. 1756 – The Seven Years' War begins when Great Britain declares war on France.

3. More important, perhaps, is the fact that the “Great War” left great scars.

4. People lived down here after the Great War.

5. The Great Northern War also threatened dire consequences.

6. Glorious Deeds of Australasians in the Great War

7. Great for waging war on your stomach.

8. Who’ll warn of God’s great final war?

9. War Department says it has great possibilities.

10. The great war will come, and we will fall...

11. The United States had great difficulty financing its war.

12. The year 1849 witnessed a great war in Hungary.

13. The war brought a sudden end to the Great Depression.

14. The 1941–45 period of World War II is known in Russia as the "Great Patriotic War".

15. There was a great deal of opposition to the war.

16. Now then we get the Great Depression and World War II.

17. The war of Armageddon will be the finale of the great tribulation.

18. Now then we get the Great Depression and World War Il.

19. Swords are named for the great deeds they do in war.

20. Despite the hardships of the post - war years and the Great Depression.

21. Yes, sir, and a great war hero to boot.

22. The great event of Elizabeth's later years was the Seven Years' War.

23. The great war is coming and I still fight for the living.

24. The Crimean War gave a great stimulus to the development of guns.

25. 25 The great boom of the war years had passed and the docks were settling down to the post war doldrums.

26. 14 The climax of the “great tribulation” will be God’s war of Armageddon.

27. Victory in the war was achieved at the cost of great human suffering.

28. A flashback of the Great War between the Titans and the Olympians is shown.

29. Brevets were not held for six years during and following the Great War

30. 13 He went to great pains to show how horrifying the war was.

31. Croesus had gone to war, and a great empire had fallen

32. We are met on a great battle-field of that war .

33. Bastet is a great support nat-five monster in Summoners War

34. The Soviet Air Force Command and Staff in the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945).

35. The article clearly showed when this message would be preached, saying: “This message must be delivered between the time of the great world war [World War I] and the time of the ‘great tribulation.’”

36. After the war, the Japanese had a great need for affordable, reliable personal transportation.

37. The Human Body in the Age of Catastrophe: Brittleness, Integration, Science, and the Great War

38. The war quelled the great Song Dynasty, the northern Tangut Dynasty disappeared without a trace.

39. Cossack forces played an important role in Russia's wars of the 18th–20th centuries, including the Great Northern War, the Seven Years' War, the Crimean War, the Napoleonic Wars, the Caucasus War, many Russo-Persian Wars, many Russo-Turkish Wars, and the First World War

40. It would have been a great gift to know the outcome of this war.

41. During the Great Northern War Valmiera was again destroyed and burned down in 1702.

42. Neville Chamberlain was the British prime minister as Great Britain entered World War II

43. We owed the Shah a great deal for his unflagging loyalty during the October War.

44. No doubt in an H-bomb war great cities would be obliterated.

45. World War II was a time of great spiritual turmoil for me.

46. Galicia was the Central Powers' only major domestic source of oil during the Great War.

47. Before the American Civil War, there was a great Antagonism between the north and the south

48. The Cruciform was a location (PROSE: The Whoniverse) that existed during the Last Great Time War

49. When the Second World War was over, we were the one great power in the world

50. IMAGINE how fear-inspiring “the war of the great day of God the Almighty” will be!

51. Why, “to gather them together to the war of the great day of God the Almighty”!

52. Astarte (also Ashtart, Ashtoreth) In ancient Phoenicia, the great Goddess of fertility, motherhood and war

53. The eight anti-war activists who Burglarized the FBI building did so at great personal risk

54. The people of Liberia show that even after years of war , great progress can be achieved " .

55. His part in the war brought him great honor and he was Brevetted a major-general

56. During the Great Turkish War both Murad Giray, Selim’s successor, and Hacı Giray had been dethroned.

57. The poor performance during the Crimean War, 1853–56, caused great soul-searching and proposals for reform.

58. The Great Depression was making life hard in the United States, and war was looming across Europe.

59. Abbess Germaine was most famous for designing the blueprints for Redwall Abbey during the Great Mossflower War.

60. The German military in World War 2 achieved most of its great victories with the Blitzkrieg tactic.

61. The Alchemicals are not subject to the Great Curse, as they did not fight in the Primordial War.

62. 1 Core Swarm Zerg Broods 1.1 First Great War and Brood War Broods 1.2 Second Great War and End War Broods 2 Enslaved and Rogue Zerg Broods 2.1 Terran Broods 2.2 Protoss Broods 2.3 Xel'naga Broods 3 Primal Zerg Packs 4 References The first Broods were formed by the Overmind, with the direction of each brood being delegated to a …

63. 1 Core Swarm Zerg Broods 1.1 First Great War and Brood War Broods 1.2 Second Great War and End War Broods 2 Enslaved and Rogue Zerg Broods 2.1 Terran Broods 2.2 Protoss Broods 2.3 Xel'naga Broods 3 Primal Zerg Packs 4 References The first Broods were formed by the Overmind, with the direction of each Brood being delegated to a cerebrate

64. Synonyms & Antonyms of Bloodcurdling causing great horror or fear We heard Bloodcurdling stories about the war.

65. Then give a long sound on the horns, and have everyone shout with a great war cry.

66. Gathered all together in this church, we commemorate those who lost their lives in the great war.

67. Before World War I more than a million workers labored in the coal mines of Great Britain.

68. Gathered all together in this church, we Commemorate those who lost their lives in the great war

69. Beside all those war shooters this is some very great alternation. I like the settings and characters.

70. In the changed post-war conditions there was a great influx of civil servants into the political parties.

71. The lesson of the Great Depression and World War II for Americans was that isolationism was self-defeating.

72. While en route, news arrived that Great Britain and France had declared war on Germany.

73. Until World War II, Coinage was thought to have played a great role in U.S

74. Most notably , it signified the beginning of the Great Depression , which lasted all the way until World War II .

75. Many contemporary conflicts, particularly in the Middle East, trace their roots directly to the fallout of the Great War.

76. Alric was the leader of the west and the Nine during the Great War against Balor and the Fallen Lords

77. HIS name is associated with the betterment of mankind, yet he amassed great wealth selling weapons of war.

78. Its about the players,clan wars,events,attack strategies,discussions,great loot and war attacks of clan 'Annihilate'.

79. 1 Gathered all together in this church, we commemorate those who lost their lives in the great war.

80. It's no great advertisement for war to see what... what the experience of combat does to men's souls.